+ Tell me more about the Prayer Room!

Check out this message from Pastors Josh + Katie Krehbiel, where they share our heart for the Prayer Room for our city!

+ Where can I find the schedule and hours the Prayer Room is open?

We do our best to keep our online schedule up to date - check back often for adjustments and additions to sets and Prayer Room hours. See our Prayer Room Schedule!

+ Is this an interfaith chapel?

No, the Prayer Room is a space dedicated to Jesus. Our focus is on worship, prayer, and Scripture as we seek to cultivate an atmosphere of intimacy with God. While all are welcome, this space is intentionally centered on the life, teachings, and presence of Jesus Christ.

+ Is food and beverage allowed in the Prayer Room?

Please, no food in the Prayer Room. Feel free to eat in the main corridors.

Only beverages with sealed lids, please.

+ Where do I sit?

You’re welcome to sit in any unreserved seat, at an unreserved table, or on the bleachers. You’re also welcome to pace, kneel, etc. Whatever helps you connect with the Lord best!

+ Is it okay to have a conversation with a friend while in the Prayer Room?

We want the Prayer Room to feel like a living room, and for people to find family here. However, we also want to preserve this room as a sacred space for connection with the Lord. We ask that extended conversations be moved to the main corridors, and that conversations not be distracting to others in the room.

+ Are children welcome in the Prayer Room?

We want the Prayer Room to be a favorite place for children! See our Family Guide!

+ When I come to a set, do I need to come for the whole thing?

You’re welcome to come and go from the Prayer Room whenever you’d like. Stay for 5 minutes or 5 hours!

+ Can I work or do homework in the Prayer Room?

We are the most “clear” in the place of worship and prayer. We believe that some of the best ideas and most creative solutions come from the place of prayer! Our work can be worship if that's the aim of our heart. Try bringing your work to the Prayer Room and experience God’s delight as you put your hand to bringing shalom to your field!

+ Can I listen to music on headphones in the Prayer Room?

If your time with the Lord would be best served by a different sound track, you’re more than welcome to listen to music of your choice in your headphones, as long as it cannot be heard by people around you.

+ Can I take communion in the Prayer Room?

The communion table is open for a time of personal communion whenever the Prayer Room is open.

+ Can I worship with flags in the Prayer Room?

Sunday Awakening Services - Please refrain from flag usage unless you're on the Flag Team.

Weekday Prayer Room - You may use a worship flag in the back half of the room or near the bleachers. Flags should not have any words or images on them. Flagging should never hinder a walkway, or be near another person where they could be hit. Worship flagging is meant to bring unity and provoke worship - if it is causing distraction or hindering others from focusing on the Lord, you will be asked to refrain from flagging in the future.

Children are permitted to flag during weekday Prayer Room sets. No flagging at the altar, please.

+ Is dancing allowed in the Prayer Room?

While we value and honor dance as a beautiful expression of worship, the Prayer Room does not have a formal team or designated area for dancing. For the safety and comfort of all, dancing is not permitted in walkways or common spaces in the Prayer Room.

+ Can I bring my own instrument to the Prayer Room?

No outside instruments in the Prayer Room, including shofars, tambourines, drums, etc.

+ Can I pray over people while I’m in the Prayer Room?

Always ask permission. Always pray with someone of the same gender. Pray in groups of three whenever possible. If you deliver a prophetic word, make sure it is uplifting and edifying, in alignment with the character of God as seen in scripture, and refrain from anything involving specific dates, future mates, or babies. Always submit a word humbly (no “thus saith the Lord,” please), and ask the individual if it resonates. Please do not pray over a person under the age of 18 without the parent’s permission and presence.

+ How do I reserve a Retreat Room?

The Retreat Rooms on the 2nd floor of the Prayer Room are designed for intentional time with the Lord. Whether you're hosting a bible study, a small prayer gathering, or looking for a space to retreat with Jesus apart from noise and distraction, these rooms are set apart for refreshment and rest. Reservations are required.

+ When will the Large Retreat Room be available for nursing mothers?

The Large Retreat Room is open for nursing mothers during Prayer Room hours unless otherwise reserved. On Sundays, the Large Retreat Room can be used by nursing mothers during services.

+ Is there a vision for the Prayer Room to be 24/7?

We will open the Prayer Room for as many hours as the Lord provides the people and resources. We are not striving for 24/7 by any means - however the Lord wants to build His house, we will be grateful!

+ What are the rules around physical boundaries?

There are no prolonged displays of affection in the Prayer Room.

+ How do I get involved in the worship team for Prayer Room?

If you are interested in joining the worship team, fill out an interest form!


+ What are some helpful ideas in how to spend time with the Lord while I’m in the Prayer Room?

Check out our Ways to Spend Time with the Lord Resource!

+ How can I know if my prayers are effective?

Check out this resource about God hearing our prayers!

+ How can I learn my identity in Christ?

Check out our Identity Verses Resource!

+ How can I nurture my soul with the help of the Holy Spirit?

Check out our Notice-Name-Nurture Resource!